Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blog layout

In my previous post I added a PS to create a theme.

The reason for this was i didn't have much control over it I thought.
I was wrong.

What I wanted

  • code highlighting
  • scrollbar if the code width is bigger than the content area

As this is a blog about code the examples should stand out.
I could use gists for every code example but for the examples in my previous article it seems like overkill.

What i did

Being lazy i changed my theme to a dynamic blogger theme. That kept my code in the content area, but it's an ugly theme.
And i didn't have syntax highlighting. So I changed back to my old theme.

Having a scrollbar isn't that hard in css. I just needed to know the content area width.

pre { overflow-x: auto; width: 700px; }

The side effect is that the gists all have a scrollbar or two, but scrollbars are fun.

Syntax highlighting isn't a big problem either because a lot of programmers blog, and they also want that.

When you search for syntax highlighting on blogger the first results are about SyntaxHighlighter.
My gripe with it is that it uses colons in classnames. I know from experience it causes troubles.

So I used shjs.
The installation requires you to add at least 3 files, two javascript files and a css file.

On the bog dashboard there is a template link and when you go there you find a button 'edit html'.
After a warning you see blogger xml code. I added following just before the ean head tag.

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script src=''/>
<script src=''/>

You may notice script is a self closing tag, this doesn't work in html.

the body tag needed the onload attribute to call the sh_highlightDocument function.
There are better ways to do this but I'm not using any other javascript that needs to be run on page load.

And now I have what i needed with the theme I like.

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