Sunday, September 11, 2011

My first knockout.js experience

Because I wanted to see what the hype is all about, I dove in the documentation and tutorials of knockout.js.

The tutorial site is great!
But the first thing that bothered me was the data-bind attribute everywhere.

So I pulled up my sleeves and pimped the 'templates and lists' tutorial

The easiest way to test the code is to copy and paste the gist content from the article in the html and javascript fields of the tutorial site.

The html

The final markup of the tutorial looks like this:

As you can see the data-bind attribute is all over the place.

And this is my markup:

The data-bind attribute is only in the template.
The other bound elements have an id.

Instead of putting the seat count in the title, I put it together with the surcharge sum.
The tutorial code displays the surcharge sum when there actually is a surcharge, my code displays it from the moment a passenger is present.

The javascript code

The tutorial code looks like this:

Very readable if you are used to do all the legwork in jQuery.
I'm in the knockout camp if I need to create complicated interfaces from now on.

Before I show you my code I will do a blow-by-blow on what I did and what the hurdles were.

The first thing I wanted was to remove the data-bind attribute from the markup.
I knew someone wrote a jQuery plugin to make this possible.

It works fine until you want to use the plugin to bind the html elements in the template.
Because I didn't want to spend too much time looking for a way to make it work, I left the data-bind attributes.

Instead of using a ko.dependentObservable to make a sum of the surcharges I added it to the view model.
You should only use the method if the code depends on outside factors.

When I added the remove functionality it didn't work. I did some debugging and found out the this in the remove function was the view model object where it needs to be the seatReservation object.

I guess the unobtrusive plugin has to do something with it, but the quick solution is to bind the seatReservation object to the remove function.
Because jQuery is loaded I used $.proxy.

The tutorial adds an anonymous passenger but because that isn't allowed anymore, I added a prompt to the addSeat function.

So my code comes down to:


Amazing you can achieve so much with so little code. And the tutorial is still verbose because the availableMeals will be fetched using AJAX or generated by a server language, <?php echo json_encode($availableMeals); ?>

I grabbed it and I will not let it loose until something better comes along.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Ugling: the start of the template engine

The changes

If you look at the previous build.xml file you know processing content in phing will turn in spaghetti code very soon. So I moved it to the template task.

The new build.xml file is easy to read because now you just have two tasks.

To get the build result I want i needed to add an attribute to the markdown task, removefilesetdir.
For me it was a cleaner way to process the markdown files and add the processed files to another directory than the way the rSTTask documentation shows.

The template engine vision

I want working with the generator to be as easy as possible so I try to stay away from code-like constructions as much as possible.
But at the same time it has to be as flexible as possible too.

The first problem I encounter is how can I provide a default template but allow specific templates at the same time.

Because i started to work with base template I got the idea that each directory could have a template.html that wraps all files in that directory and its subdirectories.
The only exception is the root template directory, it's required to have a template.html there.

To allow file specific templates it seemed the most logical to use the name of the file, so if your content file is called and you want a file template you create a test.html file in the templates directory.

The template task today

I took my MarkdownTask.php code to start the TemplateTask.php code.
I concentrated on getting it to work so the code isn't that clean yet.

The default template code is working.

To prevent placeholders showing up in the online files they are set to an empty string before the actual content is added or generated.

Next time

The next blog post I will have the template vision working and have come up with a plan to add generated navigation content.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Ugling: the phing powered static site generator (the begin)


I was looking for a project to use phing in a way that isn't expected.

Using it to remove version software directories or run tests is done so many times before.

The cool programmers started using static site generators like jekyll and petrify.

Why would you need a database if most of your content is static.

So why not use phing to do the same thing.

I also want to make the threshold as low as possible.
Markdown is one thing but other elements like the navigation are going to be not that easy.

Transforming the markdown

Creating a task in phing is easy, certainly if someone already did a similar task.

I just copied the code from the rSTTask, removed the parts i didn't need and changed the code to use the markdown class.

The source layout

  • content


  • media

  • online

  • templates

    • base.html

  • build.xml

As you can see the content directory holds the markdown files.

You can add as many subdirectories as needed. And use files to display content for an url without the html extension.

The media directory will hold css files, js files, and other public content.

I'm not sure i'm going to keep it because the only phing action will coppy the files to the online directory.

The online directory holds all the files you can place online.

The templates directory holds html files that have placeholders.
This will be for the 'expert' users.

The build.xml file is the phing hook which will take care of all the actions.

Later there can come a file to move the user accessible properties outside the build script.

Build.xml content

I think it's a readable file.

  1. Set the start target: default="loop"

  2. Add properties

  3. Add markdown task

  4. Find all markdown files and send the file names to the single target

  5. Process the markdown file and move it to the online directory

The future

Now that the easy part is over I can go to work on the necessary plugins.
Navigation is the first that needs attention.