Saturday, February 07, 2009

Chromeless browser

After seeing the video of Aza and Alex about designing a chromeless browser I was wondering how to get my browser chromeless to feel what it's like.

The first thing i did was hiding the statusbar. Next on the list is the tabsbar, as i already was using the tree style tab add-on i only needed to set the autohide options.
Then i needed to remove all toolbars, for that i installed the vimperator add-on.

I'm planning to use the Ubiquity add-on as my main chrome replacement. It's more user-friendly than the vimperator commands and it can be extended very easy.

For instance i want the awesombar functionality and i found the go 3.0 command, now i have the awsomebar and a screenshot preview as a bonus.

The first thing i noticed changing to the chromeless browser is how much i return to the tabsbar to select the tabs. Using the tab command to search for the tab with a certain name is useful when you have an overview of the tabs.

This will be an experiment as long as i can stand it so this could turn into a series.

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