Saturday, September 20, 2008

Simple ubiquity commands

If you go to the command editor you can add these commands if you want.

// -------------------------------------
// firefox interfaces
// -------------------------------------
name: "add-ons",
icon: "",
execute: function(){
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( "chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul" );

name: "downloads",
icon: "",
execute: function(){
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( "chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul" );

name: "places",
icon: "",
execute: function(){
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( "chrome://browser/content/places/places.xul" );
// -------------------------------------
// website based functions
// -------------------------------------
name: "copy-url",
icon: "",
execute: function(){
Utils.openUrlInBrowser( context.focusedWindow.location.href );

As you can see the openUrlInBrowser function is the engine behind all of these functions. The firefox interface commands are based on the behavior of the vimperator, where the add-ons and downloads are presented in a tab.

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