Wednesday, October 31, 2007

jquery plugin : switchcss


I was answering a question posed on the CodeIgniter forum about a stylesheet switcher and i came up with this code. It is rough but it worked.

Later that day i read in the mailinglist of jquery there was A Plugin Development Pattern tutorial

After reading this i wanted to make the rough code into a plugin and switchcss was born.


Other stylesheet switchers i found where based on alternative stylesheets that had to be loaded and thus making the pages heavier to load. This was the concern of the poster on the CodeIgniter forum so i made this stylesheet switcher to work with one theme css that gets changed.

It remembers the chosen theme using a cookie.



switchcss plugin


Link to the files and at least one theme css file and add following code to your ready method

// previously chosen theme
// elements that hold the alternate themes

Now clicking on the elements changes the stylesheet and adds the theme to the cookie.

By default the css filename is prefixed with theme_ and the text of the element is extracted to add to the prefix of the name. And the link element should have the title themecss.

All the defaults :


default : csstheme


the value of the title attribute from the link element that holds the theme css file.

default : themecss


general prefix used by the theme css files

default : theme_


Which value to use to complete the css file name.

text : content of the element

other : value of the attribute you define here

default : text

These options are used by the two functions so i made them public (thank you tutorial) so you only have to define them once.

$.fn.switchcss.defaults.linktitle = 'theme';
// gets the value of the title attribute of the anchors
$.fn.switchcss.defaults.themename = 'title';

I hope it comes in handy for someone.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Instant form validation

When you think about javascript validation and when to trigger it the first thing you think about is the onblur event. The trouble with the onblur even is not everyone is tabbing through form so it's possible not all fields are validated. The same goes for a key event.

So most of the programmers use the click event to submit the form. The problem in is that if you use the asp:net button tag the javascript of the control is handled after your own javascript code so the form is processed even if you added return false for the event.

I don't know how to influence the control behavior yet so what i did is attach the validation to the button mouseover event. This way you see the errors before you even click the button.

I don't know why i haven't thought of that before because it's so easy and noticeable.

You can find a demo at mouseover button validation